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Casa del Profumo Feminis Farina

Valli dell'Ossola

Museum Network: Associazione Musei d'Ossola

A journey through scents, aromas, and fragrant allusions that will lead you to discover Eau de Cologne

The Casa del Profumo is a journey through the history of the famous water known as Eau de Cologne, invented at the beginning of the 18th century by the Vigezzini G. Femminis and G. Farina.  The ground floor of the building houses a small exhibition of herbs and essences used in the original recipe, an information and sales point, and a greenhouse surrounded by a garden. The first floor has a technological and multisensorial itinerary to discover the Vigezzo Valley "from the head to the heart" through multimedia and sensory installations.  In the first room, "The Head," you can discover the origins and the first developments linked to the water of Cologne and the Vigezzo costume. The second room, "The Heart," offers more contemporary installations in which the sensory approach to aromas and essences is given great prominence.  The journey into the world of aromas ends with the perfume organ.  On the second floor, a significant section is also dedicated to the Vigezzo costume.

Accessibility: the museum is located on the first floor without a lift, only the ground floor is accessible.
Schools: by prior agreement with the organization, reservation only

Credit: Archivio Fotografico Distretto Turistico dei Laghi - Lorenzo Pipi

Entrance fee.

+39 0324 94565
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Piazza Risorgimento
28857 - Santa Maria Maggiore (VB)

46.135123, 8.4665548

46.135123, 8.4665548