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Museo della Montagna e del Contrabbando

Valli dell'Ossola

Museum Network: Associazione Musei d'Ossola

The flip side of the coin: guides or smugglers?

The Mountain and Smuggling Museum is housed in a typical Walser building. The exhibition is divided into three themes, linked by the common thread of the mountains. On the ground floor is a cycle of plates by the Milanese cartoonist and publicist Aldo Mazza (1880-1964), which ironically tells the story of mountaineering on Monte Rosa. On the mezzanine floor, a collection of exhibits illustrates the history of mountaineering in Macugnaga. The mountaineering section is completed by documents on the great Macugnaga mountain guide, Mattia Zurbriggen. The section dedicated to smuggling bears witness to the recent past of the mountain population, with records that recount the history of an illegal activity that was often the only means of subsistence for entire families.

The building is on several floors without a lift.
Schools: by prior agreement with the organisation, reservation only

Credit: Archivio Fotografico Distretto dei Laghi - Lorenzo Pipi 

+39 0324 65112
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Località Staffa
28876 - Macugnaga (VB)

45.969129650036, 7.96724645

45.969129650036, 7.96724645