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Scuola di Belle Arti Rossetti Valentini

Valli dell'Ossola

Museum Network: Associazione Musei d'Ossola

As the saying goes, “Learn the art and put it aside.”

The "Rossetti Valentini School of Fine Arts" is now a symbol of distinction for the "Valley of Painters," whereas it was once a practical means of subsistence. It enabled young people from the valley to learn to draw and paint well enough to earn a living abroad, and many of them emigrated as portrait painters. Founded in 1878, the school has never failed to fulfil its purpose over the years: under the guidance of teachers of the highest calibre, including Carlo Giuseppe Cavalli and Enrico Cavalli, the most famous Vigezzo painters of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries have graduated from its courses. Today, the historic building of the School of Fine Arts, recently enlarged and renovated, is used as a museum. In memory of its original educational role, courses in drawing, woodcarving, comics, and other proposals related to contemporary art are still held.

Accessibility: with access ramp and lift
Schools: by agreement with the organisation, by reservation only

Credit: Archivio Fotografico Distretto dei laghi - Lorenzo Pipi

+39 0324 066408
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Light rain showers
Via Rossetti Valentini 1
28857 - Santa Maria Maggiore (VB)

46.134582675143, 8.4632384777069

46.134582675143, 8.4632384777069