Swimming pool

Acqua Vanzonis, the most mineral-rich spring in the world

Valli dell'Ossola

Acqua Vanzonis gushes forth from the old Cani goldmines, in the Municipality of Vanzone con San Carlo. It is the most mineral-rich spring in the world, containing arsenic, manganese, iron and aluminium. It has been used as a thermal spring for over a century and its story is only just beginning.

Acqua Vanzonis is highly acidic, with a pH value of between 2.4 and 2.5. It is recommended for the treatment of a range of ailments:
• Hyperthyroidism and serious dysthyroidism in general
• Blood diseases and diseases of the hematopoietic organs
• Diseases of the nervous system
• Gynaecological diseases
• Dermatological diseases
• Ears, nose and throat diseases

On 12 August 2017, “Casa Vanzonis” - formerly “Casa del Dottore” [The Doctor’s House] - was opened. The space is home to a large exhibition focusing on the past, present and future of the waters and the Cani mines. The centre provides information to visitors and hosts meetings, studies and seminars on the waters, mines and the world of psychophysical wellbeing in general.

For more information on the spring, its history and details of its therapeutic properties, ministerial authorisations, the store and all the latest news, please follow this link: www.acquavanzonis.it

Fair day
28030 - Vanzone con San Carlo (VB)

45.977877918928, 8.1102705001831

45.977877918928, 8.1102705001831