Distretto dei Laghi

Travel Markets

TTG 2023 Rimini

From Wednesay 11th to Friday 13th of October 2023 the Lago Maggiore Tourism Board Distretto Turistico dei Laghi was present to the 60th edition of TTG Travel Experience in

L'ITALIA DELLE REGIONI: Festival nazionale con in mostra le eccellenze dei Territori Italiani

This year the Festival of the Regions, now in its second year, was hosted by the Piedmont region at the Turin capital from Saturday, Sept. 30 to Tuesday, Oct.

WTE World Tourism Event 2023 a Torino

From Thursday 21 September to Saturday 23 September 2023, the Distretto Turistico dei Laghi attended the great WTE World Tourism Event in Turin - Stand Regione Piemonte, at the Mus

CHEESE 2023 a Bra

On Sunday 17 September 2023 at CHEESE in Bra, the great international Slow Food event dedicated to Messer Formaggio, the Distretto Turistico dei Laghi, with the renowned Lu

A TASTY HOLIDAY Roadshow Piemonte ad Amsterdam e Anversa

Il Piemonte con le sue eccellenze turistiche è stato protagonista del Roadshow in Benelux il 19 e 20 giugno 2023 dedicato ad ATL, consorzi e operatori regionali.