ORTA SAN GIULIO - XXIII ed. Orta Festival: Piano Quintet

XXIII ed. di Orta Festival
Piano Quintet
Venerdì 14.7
Orta S.Giulio, Chiesa dell’Assunta, at 21.00
Théo Fouchenneret - pianoforte
Hans Liviabella - violino
Ekaterina Valiulina - violino
Francesco Fiore - viola
Matteo Pigato - violoncello
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Quintetto in re minore op. 89 per due violini, viola, violoncello e pianoforte
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Quintetto in fa minore op. 34 per due violini, viola, violoncello e pianoforte
The young French pianist Théo Fouchenneret won first prize at the Geneva International Competition in 2018.
The sensitivity and poetry of his touch, but also the maturity of his interpretations made him unanimously noticed among the pianists of his generation.
Applauded at home and abroad (Salle Cortot, Salle Gaveau in Paris, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Gasteig in Munich, Sala Verdi in Milan, etc.), he offers us a concert that compares two completely different expressive worlds.
With the complicity of a string quartet of favorite artists of our festival we will listen to the rare Quintet op.89 (1903-1906) by Gabriel Fauré, costing an intense period of work, about 3 years, whose final result is very curious; three movements instead of the usual four, but above all a sonorous and agogic climate that envelops the work in a sort of internalized rêverie and therefore apparently devoid of contrasts, whose sound aura is characterized by transparency and spirituality.
It will then be the turn of the Quintet op. 34 by Brahms, one of his most famous works, in which the jet of inspiration is torrential, in which musical ideas, contrapuntal interweaving of increasing intensity, place the mark of genius on one of the most fascinating pages of the entire nineteenth century musical
Entrance € 15
Reduced entrance € 10 (under 25)
Subscriptions 7 concerti € 90
Tickets are on sale every concert evenings from 8.00 pm