Valli dell'Ossola

Vogogna was the seat of the civil jurisdiction of Ossola Inferiore for five centuries, from 1328 to 1819. Situated close to the ancient Roman road, the village was fortified around the middle of the 14th century by Giovanni Maria Visconti, first bishop of Novara and then Lord of Milan, and acquired an important strategic value for the control and defence of the ducal territories, especially in view of the frequent Swiss raids. Included in the club "I Borghi più belli d'Italia" (Italy's most beautiful villages) and awarded the Orange Flag by the Italian Touring Club, Vogogna preserves the noble imprint of an illustrious past. In the old town centre, it is possible to recognise the medieval urban layout, with houses built next to each other, carved stone portals, porticoes, arches and cobbled streets wedged into each other.
The village is dominated by the imposing tower of the Visconti Castle, a real jewel of Vogogna and one of the most important historical sites in the Ossola region.
Included in the territory of the Val Grande National Park, the largest wilderness area in Italy, Vogogna hosts its headquarters at Villa Lossetti-Biraghi-Vietti Violi, a precious building dating back to 1650, enriched over the years by the addition of new rooms in different styles harmoniously composed.

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