Special Natural Reserve of Sacred Mount in Orta, Mount Mesma and Colle Buccione Tower
Facing the promontory overlooking Lake Orta, where the vegetation alternates with spectacular views of the lake, the route of the Sacred Mount runs through gardens and woods surrounding the twenty chapels, the interior of which illustrated with sculptures and paintings episodes of the life of St. Francis in analogy with the life of Jesus.
The first time that the community thought to create a religious itinerary on the model of the Sacred Mount of Varallo dates back to 1583, but it only became a reality in 1590 thanks to the contribution of the Abbot Amico Canobio from Novara, and according to the project defined by the Capuchin architect Cleto from Castelletto Ticino, who arranged the architectural works in the natural landscape and in spectacular area overlooking the lake. The scenes populated by statues and paintings of great realism, alternate an intimate and natural style typical of the early seventeenth century with the lively Baroque style of the end of the century thanks to important artists such as the Fiammenghini, Morazzone, Cristoforo Prestinari, the d'Enrico brothers, Dionigi Bussola and many others.
The route of the procession ends at the Church of St. Nicholas, a proto-Romanesque building, completely redesigned during the seventeenth century in accordance with the style of the lower Basilica of Assisi, which houses the ancient group of wooden statues of the Our Lady of Mercy (XIV century). The beauty of the landscape and the quiet of the surroundings are in perfect harmony with Franciscan spirituality.
With its almost 600 mt height, Monte Mesma (576 m) offers to his visitors an amazing view of Cusio. At the top of the hill there is the Franciscan convent bearing the same name, Mesma, and the church, which is dedicated to San Francesco. The parvis overlooks the Orta Lake with the island in the middle and the Monte Rosa standing out in the background.
Two different roads climb to Mesma from opposite slopes: a first one from the side of Ameno and Lortallo and the second one from Bolzano Novarese. Along both of them, there are the shrines of two Viae Crucis: they were built thanks to local benefactors; the frescoes were realized later. The convent rises on the remains of the ancient fortress of Mesima, which was the scene of conflicts between the Municipality of Novara and its Bishop in the 13th and 14th century. In 1358 the inhabitants of Ameno and Lortallo, who got tired of tirannies and raids, destroyed it. The present buildings of the convent and of the church stand therefore over the ancient foundations of the castrum of Mesima.
The Piedmont Region created the Riserva Naturale del Monte Mesma, a natural reserve with the purpose to protect the religious complex and the rich vegetation. Source: www.conventomontemesma.it
Located near Mount Mesma and overlooking Lake Orta, the Colle della Torre di Buccione represents a particularly significant landscape aspect of the lake also from a wooded point of view, and has a fortified tower at the top, of considerable historical-architectural value, last bastion of a castle mentioned in documents of 1200.
On the top of the tower was placed the bell for signaling danger: the last example, from 1600, is now kept in the garden of the town hall of Orta.
The park can be reached from Gozzano and Orta San Giulio, going up the road to Miasino.
Ente di gestione dei Sacri Monti, Riserva speciale del Sacro Monte di Orta
Località Sacro Monte
28016 Orta San Giulio
Phone: +39 0322 911960
E-mail: info.orta@sacri-monti.com
Web Site: http://www.sacrimonti.org
Sanctuary and monastery of Franciscan Friary
Phone: +39 0322 90149
E-mail: orta@fratiminori.it
Web Site: http://www.conventomontemesma.it
By car with GPS: località Sacro Monte di Orta - 28016 Orta (NO) - Buses: Buses must stop at the parking lot at the foot of the hill
On foot: from Orta San Giulio, 20’ distance walk, sloped, paved, cobbled road with steps.
Free entry.