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Outdoor & Nature

MTB ROUTE: Quarna Sotto-Alpe Camasca-Quarna Sopra

Lago d'Orta
12,60 km
430 m
Difference in altitude
1-3 hours

Starting from Quarna Sotto, near the post office, follow the signs for the Oratorio del Saliente and continue first on tarmac and then on an unmade road following the signs for Alpe Camasca.
After a very steep hill you come to Alpe Scopello and then Alpe Pianero. Follow the white-red signs and also the yellow MTB signs. A little further on you will be able to see the summer pastures of the Alpe Camasca in the distance on the right. After a short downhill stretch you come to the first mountain hut: Pass to the right of the small church of the Alpini (mountain troops) and the fountain and continue to the junction of several paths.
Turn right and follow the signs for Quarna Sopra and Alpe Ruschini: shortly after the junction keep to the right, passing alongside some huts. The route loses height quickly on a fun downhill stretch that passes through a pine forest. You then come to Alpe Ruschini where you can admire Lake Orta.
Continue downhill along path T20 following the signs for Quarna Sopra. You then come to Alpe Barca and further on Alpe Preer. Soon after you come to the waterworks of Quarna Sopra and the first houses of the town where the road is tarmac once again. Take via alla Chiesa and continue until you reach the parish church of S. Stefano where you turn left. At the stop sign turn right past the town hall and the church of the Madonna del Pero and continue downhill in the direction of Quarna Sotto. Soon after you come to the village of Quarna Sotto and the end of the route.

AUTHOR: Fabio Valeggia

28896 - Quarna Sotto (VB)

45.8682971, 8.3638372

45.8682971, 8.3638372


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