IG Tour dedicated to the Historic mountain roads from Ossola Valleys to Lake Maggiore

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of June 2023 were two fully days dedicated to the regional project "Historic mountain roads of Piedmont".

The IG WORLDCLUB TOUR "Historic mountain roads from Low Ossola Valley to Lake Maggiore - Discovering the Cadorna Line" was organized by Distretto Turistico dei Laghi in cooperation with IG WORLDCLUB ITALIA, No-Profit National Community, with the principal mission is the promotion of territory and its excellents through Instagram and other digital media; with more than 2,6 milion of followers and represents the main Italian digital reality in the world for digital photographic communication and mobile photography.

Saturday 10th of June, direction of tour was the hills of Verbano with an emotional path of Linea Cadorna that develope on simple dirt road where is possible admire stone masonry and walking into the galleries of Monte Morissolo, with breathtaking Lake Maggiore.

The Fort of Bara in Ornavasso, in Low Ossola, was the focus on Sunday. The muletrack is still well conserve and develops with regular return. Along the path is possible to visit tunnel into the rocks, trenches, presenta lungo il cammino affascinanti gallerie scavate nella roccia, trincee and gun emplacements.

Historic and landascape details in these two parts of Linea Cadorna were promptly captured by the lenses of the professional Instagramers of teams IG Piemonte, IG Turin, IG Valle d'Aosta, IG Novara ed IG Verbania, transformed in stories, story telling, reels and post and share on Instagram page of Distretto Turistico dei Laghi ( @lagomaggiore_turismo ) getting hundreds of views and interactions among followers. The aim of intriguing and inviting a large public to discover and enjoy these historic hiking trails has therefore been largely achieved.

In cooperation with IG WORLDCLUB ITALIA

Project promoted by regional law n. 9/2021

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