Webinar & Virtual Workshop “Let's spring between Lakes & Alps!”

Webinar & Virtual Workshop “LET’S SPRING BETWEEN LAKES & ALPS!”

Two promotional actions that the Local Tourism Board Distretto Turistico dei Laghi has undertaken in relation to its 6 main target foreign markets - France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, the UK and the US.

19th March 2021 WEBINAR
A moment of training and information for 35 International T.Os.
- Session THE MODERN DOLCE VITA: VILLAS & GARDENS in the region of Lake Maggiore
- Session SLOW TOURISM: OUTDOOR & WELLNESS in the region of Lake Maggiore
- Session AUTHENITC EXPERIENCE: FOOD & WINE in the region of Lake Maggiore
to discover one of the most spectacular scenery of Piedmont Region and... live Your own LAGO MAGGIORE EXPERIENCE!

23rd March 2021 VIRTUAL WORKSHOP
Virtual b2b meetings between the above mentioned International T.Os. and 28 Local Operators from the region of Lake Maggiore.